


Elbacom WoA

Elbacom WoA

Elbacom WoA

Elbacom's WoA is a strategic outline for the company's launch of Windows on ARM. A solution to meet the requirements of the European Cyber Resilience Act.

Elbacom's WoA is a strategic outline for the company's launch of Windows on ARM. A solution to meet the requirements of the European Cyber Resilience Act.

Elbacom's WoA is a strategic outline for the company's launch of Windows on ARM. A solution to meet the requirements of the European Cyber Resilience Act.

"This gave us extreme clarity. The ideas crafted during the program gave us greater confidence. Especially when sharing them with others. Having a clear strategic narrative allows us faster iterations of the product.

If you want to launch a new product or rebrand your company - perfect match."

"This gave us extreme clarity. The ideas crafted during the program gave us greater confidence. Especially when sharing them with others. Having a clear strategic narrative allows us faster iterations of the product.

If you want to launch a new product or rebrand your company - perfect match."

"This gave us extreme clarity. The ideas crafted during the program gave us greater confidence. Especially when sharing them with others. Having a clear strategic narrative allows us faster iterations of the product.

If you want to launch a new product or rebrand your company - perfect match."

David, Elbacom

Project Name: Elbacom's WoA

Project Stage: Pre Product-Launch

Participating Team Members: 2 Team Members

Average Time to Complete: Approximately 1 hours/day

Time Saved: 2 Months

Main Problem Otherstate Helped With: Got our Whitepaper finalized (finding correct wording, launch a new product).

Elbacom WoA Results

During the 5 days with Otherstate, David and Andi took Elbacom's WoA from high-level to in-depth detail. Step-by-step, always building off the information we already collected in previous modules. These are the results.

DAY 1:

  • Prologue: a high-level outline of why Elbacom's WoA exists, what it does, and how it's positioned. We assembled their results into The Map to Your Future.

  • Need Narrative. The matter-of-fact description of Elbacom's WoA in clear words. It tells the story of why its product or service is needed in the market place.

  • The team refined inputs from their prologue exercise which we used to craft the raw vision for Elbacom's WoA.

DAY 2:

  • In this exercise the team reverse-engineered their raw vision to the current state of Elbacom's WoA.

  • Theory of Change is a step-by-step description of the path Elbacom's WoA can take from its current state to its desired future state – their vision.

  • This exercise fills the gap between now and the future with actionable, operative steps.

DAY 3:

  • Core Statement: the emotive core of Elbacom's WoA – its personality. These soft values help connect the project to the hearts & minds of Elbacom's community.

  • Benefit Statements: how Elbacom's WoA will improve their user's lives. The team worked on up to 3 benefit statements that speak directly to the desires of Elbacom's community.

  • The combined results of day 1–3 were used to create Elbacom's WoA Vision, Mission, Benefit Statements, Core Statement, Value Proposition and their Elevator Pitch.

DAY 4:

  • One detailed user avatar that represents a key segment of Elbacom's community. The profile David and Andi created shows Elbacom's community’s demographics and psychographics, including a complete Big 5 personality score for their users.

  • The founders can use the results of this module to dial in their product, messaging & design.

DAY 5:

  • Competitive Landscape: brands that are competing for the attention of Elbacom's WoA users.

  • The team identified Elbacom's WoA immediate and adjacent competition, their strengths and weaknesses. Then mapped out what makes them attractive to Elbacom's users and what differentiators to concentrate on.

  • They can use these results to understand how Elbacom's WoA is different from the competition and how to win the space.

Compiled Results:
Asset Templates

  • After completing the 5–day program David and Andi received a complete set of 5 pre-filled asset templates for Elbacom's WoA.

  • These allow them to fast-track the creation of a website or landing page, pitch-deck, explainer video, business model canvas, and a designer brief.

READY TO Kickstart your project?

Gain extreme clarity & confidence, align your team, or fast-track your investor pitch.

Start immediately. Be done in days, not months.

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100% money back if your results don’t save you time

100% money back if your results don’t save you time